While waiting for sally and yh to cum my room for mj. shall decided to make full use of my time and blog ( though it will be better to study instead)... ai ya... 30 min also cannot study much anw.....
i thought that i can rest my mind and play today cos i complete my math tut... eh actually nv cos about 2/3 of them i dunno how to do, so i gave up... haha..... but stupid steph remind me about stuff like exam blah blah blah... now some how a bit gulity........
Mom just call me and ask me when i was going home... i told her may... she was liek HUH... cos now is only march..... haha.... wow think affected by miss roar friend liao lah, mentioning about parent... haha.... sh was asking me whther i missed home... i told her i am not that homely lah..... haha.... but then kinda of happy that mom called..... she seldom call me also... but this time call me also is to ask me to go for grandma bday celebration... sunday nah.. i told her i'm not going............ But dunno whther i make the right choice......
as the time come nearer, like 2 weeks, i freaking scared...haiz.... must really be more productive now........... tomolo going study........
wow this week have be quite happening in NTU..... that mr gary who wanted to go against the school..... ahah... its amazing how people commented on the union board........ draw his face and alot of stuff........
BUT the main highlight was another one.... i dunno whether it was in the news... apparently someone kana rape by a bangalesh in NTU while jogging alone...... ^(*^&%^&$&^$^& must be them again.. why can't they just do us good and build our infrastructure rather then go around raping people ... ok not all lah... it just take one black sheep to tarnish their reputation....... fucking want to have sex can go geylang or little indai lah... or go those wood in woodland where you all can mass orgy at $20 per shot... why must destroy a poor gal life.... actually i also not quite sure about the story... hear from miss roar the day before and alot of people know about it when i mention.........
i think it is also not safe to run in pair or three( all gal lah)... who knows they might operate in group and then 3 people running, lugi best... dun need to queue too long...... FARK THEM...... so people run in group preferly with guy......
can call me go jogging also..... though i'm also a bit dangerous... but compare to the bangalesh, i'm much better ho... ahha... at least i will be gentle... oh no.... just joking lah.... not funny i know.... haha...... wow it had be up to a point that some sports club people thought i was the cultprit... time to change my reputation man..... haha... later pt see liao also scared...........
hmm.... dunno how's her date? haha... dun dare to ask her, later she coondemn me.... haha..... moi moi de zha na er de... whaha.... my chinese cui ah moh also cui... die liao lah............
somehow miss my mom cooking... so people who go home and their mom have excess food to spare, can bring it for me? sick of the canteen food liao... think i'm going to survive on cup noodles liao.............
speaking of which i think sally is getting lameer and lamer day by day.....
mr kpo... nick..... alone... gal...... horse..... small....ahbi...... stick... matchstick.....on fire.... fire extingusher.... dun get the link? nvm... haha...... cos it is somehow abit RA... not suitable to post here... haha......
k time for majonging.......... heiz vone.... more PHOTO and update...
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